Swag Bags & Donations
Swag Bags
We are providing 5,000 Health Hustle Swag Bags for students.
Please note - if you cannot provide 5,000 items feel free to provide what you can. We will disseminate into the bags.
If you would like to contribute items for the Health Hustle we need to receive them by Friday, October 12.
You can drop off or mail items to the following address:
Marion Elementary
ATTN: The Health Hustle - Kera Williams
1595 Stablerun Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
Donations for our raffle can be sent to the following address:
Bolin Elementary
attn: Stacy Palmertree - The Health Hustle
5705 Cheyenne Dr,
Allen, TX 75002
If you need a Health Hustle representative to pick up your donation please email us by clicking the button below.
All donations need to be received by Friday, October 19, 2018.